Myocarditis, pericarditis, and endocarditis can sound very similar, but even though all three happen to be types of heart inflammation, they do affect different areas of one’s heart.

In order to understand the difference between these types of heart inflammation, the person needs to initial understand the heart’s structure. A human heart has indeed three layers.

Judging from the outside inward, the layers are as such:

Inflammation Of Heart: Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Endocarditis
Heart Diseases

The main difference between pericarditis, myocarditis, and also endocarditis happens to be the layer affected. Pericarditis has been acknowledged as inflammation in the pericardium, myocarditis inflames the myocardium, and also endocarditis does mean inflammation in the endocardium.

Causes of Each Condition

The three types of inflammation do not simply differ in their location, as they often do have different causes. Pericarditis it is understood is most often caused by a viral illness. The same goes for myocarditis. The virus can be something as indeed simple as a common cold or even the flu that does migrate to one’s heart and also infects it. An infected outer heart lining (pericardium) is indeed incredibly painful especially with breathing and debilitating feeling, while an infected heart muscle (myocardium) can even weaken the person’s heart.

On the other hand, endocarditis, which does affect the inner heart lining and also valves, originates differently. Its most common cause is a systemic infection of bacteria, fungi, or other germs that do spread via the body making use of the bloodstream. The pathogen can seize onto the valves, where it begins to deteriorate and also destroy the tissues. As valves deteriorate, they can indeed start to leak.

Combating Pericarditis, Myocarditis, and Endocarditis

In cases of pericarditis or myocarditis, an antiviral medication Is not sort of generally made use of as the viral cause is not really known, Meanwhile, an anti-inflammatory medicine will indeed reduce inflammation and also pain. Treatment times may indeed vary, as few patients can expect months to years of medication. In few cases, however, the heart is in fact too weakened by myocarditis to fully recover, and the only remaining solution is a heart transplant.

As endocarditis is indeed caused by a systemic infection (bacteria) rather than a virus, it can be rather treated with antibiotics. Dentists as well as doctors do use preventative antibiotics whenever there is a risk that bacteria might also enter the bloodstream. Antibiotics are indeed also the most effective treatment available for patients who are diagnosed with endocarditis. If the infection does damage the valves, however, symptoms might persist even after treatment is successful, and also surgery might be necessary to repair or replace damaged tissues.


Knowing the difference between pericarditis, myocarditis, and also endocarditis is indeed vital for planning an effective treatment. For this reason is done on all types of heart inflammation to increase awareness and also uncover new treatment options.

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