Heart Attack | Heart Failure | Cardiac arrest | Atrial Fibrillation Enlarged Heart | Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) | Arrhythmias Heart Valve Disease | Angina Pectoris | Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)


Chest pain from a heart attack typically lasts longer than 15 minutes. While some people only have little chest pain, others experience more severe agony. Although some patients have no chest pain or pressure at all, the discomfort is frequently characterised as a pressure or heaviness in the chest. Women frequently experience more nebulous symptoms like nausea or back or jaw pain. At Dr. Mathan’s clinic, any patient who has experienced a mild heart attack or a severe heart attack can get timely and accurate consultation without any assumptions or speculations.

Heart failure (HF) has been reported to have a dropping incidence, although the prevalence of heart failure as a whole is rising, especially as the population ages. Because risk factors for heart failure are becoming more common, myocardial infarction endurance is improving, and heart failure medicines are getting better, the populations afflicted by and at risk for heart failure are growing. Patients at Dr. Mathan's Clinic receive primary care services with quick access to specialised cardiologist advice and treatments as needed.

The most crucial component of medical care is cardiovascular consultation. Patients have the chance to talk about their cardiac issues, present concerns, comprehend dangers and repercussions, and adopt healthy lifestyle practices. Additionally, it aids in a better grasp of surgical techniques, pre- and post-operative preparations, dangers, and problems. In his clinic, Dr. Mathan will review past medical records and do extensive physical examinations and testing to determine the likelihood of acquiring heart disorders.


Some individuals don't know they have atrial fibrillation (A-fib). During a physical examination for another reason, a doctor may hear an A-fib when using a stethoscope to listen to the heart. Dr. Mathan performs a number of tests to identify A-fib or rule out other illnesses that might present with same symptoms. Things become easier and easier with his advice. Additionally, he makes an effort to slow down and normalise the rate at which your heart beats.
An enlarged heart is a symptom of a deeper illness that is making the heart work harder than usual rather than a condition in and of itself. Heart valve disease, excessive blood pressure, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, and coronary heart disease are only a few of the numerous causes. Depending on the underlying cause, treatment options may include dietary and lifestyle changes, medication, and surgery. All of the aforementioned elements are thoroughly studied at Dr. Mathan's clinic in order to develop an appropriate hybrid treatment that stops the enlarged heart from expanding further.

A form of abnormality that develops in the heart or blood arteries before birth is known as congenital heart disease. While the foetus is growing inside the uterus during pregnancy, the heart's structures or vessels do not develop as they should. Congenital cardiac problems may not be discovered until after birth, during childhood, or even after birth. A deficiency could exist without any symptoms at all. If congenital heart disease symptoms are evident in adulthood, they may include: Dr. Mathan is skilled in identifying these patterns and offering the best treatments to control and lessen the illness.


An erratic heartbeat is known as an arrhythmia. Your heart may beat more quickly or slowly than it would in the absence of an arrhythmia if you have one. Your heart may beat erratically due to a number of various problems, and the cause will determine the appropriate course of treatment. Dr. Mathan checks to see if you have chest pain, a racing heart, a feeling of being lightheaded or dizzy, or any of these other symptoms before determining the best course of action.
Any of a number of disorders that impair the proper function of one or more of your heart's valves is referred to as heart valve disease. Heart valve problems can make your heart work harder if it is not treated. Your wellbeing may be negatively impacted, and it can even endanger your life. Your heart valves can be repaired or replaced by Dr. Mathan through surgery or a microsurgical treatment, enabling you to resume your regular activities

Temporary discomfort or pain in the chest brought on by a reduction in blood supply to the heart muscle is known as angina pectoris or angina. Although angina is a marker of a higher risk for heart attack, it is not a heart attack. Angina can be either stable (occurs during exercise, lasts five minutes or less, and goes away with rest) or unpredictable (occurs during periods of rest, lasts longer, and symptoms may be more severe). In addition to offering treatments like surgery, medication, vascular stenting, and angioplasty, Dr. Mathan recommends lifestyle adjustments at his clinic.


When the main capillaries that supply the heart to pump blood, oxygen, and nutrients become injured or ill, coronary artery disease (CAD), also known as coronary heart disease (CHD), occurs. Plaque, which are cholesterol-containing deposits, frequently cause the disorder. It is a sticky substance made up of a mixture of cholesterol, fat, and other chemicals that adheres to the blood vessel walls. A condition known as atherosclerosis may result as a result of the gradual hardening and narrowing of the arteries. Dr. Mathan stops the illness from getting worse.An erratic heartbeat is known as an arrhythmia. Your heart may beat more quickly or slowly than it would in the absence of an arrhythmia if you have one. Your heart may beat erratically due to a number of various problems, and the cause will determine the appropriate course of treatment. Dr. Mathan checks to see if you have chest pain, a racing heart, a feeling of being lightheaded or dizzy, or any of these other symptoms before determining the best course of action.

The term "peripheral artery disease," or "PAD," describes arterial illness that develops away from the brain or heart. As a result of atherosclerosis, or plaque, the capillaries that carry oxygenated blood to the whole body narrow or even become blocked in PAD. The arteries in the legs are most frequently impacted by PAD, although it can also affect the arteries that provide blood to the brain, arms, kidneys, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Others get sporadic claudication, or leg pain when walking, which Dr. Mathan is an expert at identifying. Intermittent claudication can range in intensity from mild to incapacitating.Temporary discomfort or pain in the chest brought on by a reduction in blood supply to the heart muscle is known as angina pectoris or angina. Although angina is a marker of a higher risk for heart attack, it is not a heart attack. Angina can be either stable (occurs during exercise, lasts five minutes or less, and goes away with rest) or unpredictable (occurs during periods of rest, lasts longer, and symptoms may be more severe). In addition to offering treatments like surgery, medication, vascular stenting, and angioplasty, Dr. Mathan recommends lifestyle adjustments at his clinic.

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